Become the leader that people want to follow.
So how do I know if coaching will help me?
If any of the points below sound like you, then coaching could be a perfect tool for navigating your own as well as your team’s challenges.
- You’ve been appointed to a new job but and know that it is going to demand more from you than ever before and you think you are going to need support.
- You are leading a significant project in your organisation and your team needs to find new ways of working that utilises everyone’s skillset.
- You feel like you need a sounding board and whitespace to think about some of the complex problems that you’re facing.
- You want to deliver some bigger pieces of work but you keep getting drawn back into the whirlwind of the day-to-day.
- You’re part of a team that is embarking on a project and you think the team needs some external support to focus the delivery.
- You’re dissatisfied with your current ways of working and know there’s a smarter way to achieve things but need some support to implement lasting change.
Get coaching that supports change-making & experimentation, spots learning opportunities, sets groundwork and sees things through.
Why is coaching valuable for leaders and organisations?
As organisations shift and transform to operating in the digital age, the demands on leaders have intensified dramatically and rapid change is commonplace. As little as 10 years ago, managers could largely rely on their technical expertise and providing answers to get the right results. Today, this approach doesn’t deliver the same level of achievement.
Managers are left searching for new ways to inspire, motivate, direct and lead fully aware that their own success as well as the success of their team is at stake.
In many cases, managers attempt to change their style only to revert to familiar management tools when discomfort or pressure is experienced. Importantly, the business of learning, growth and changing one’s identity and habits is not a solo act.
I firmly believe that with the right tools and support, almost anybody can become a better leader.
Ways to work with me
Three Months Coaching Package
Get targeted support to navigate your current situation.
Identify key problems & opportunities
Build a strategy
Step forward confidently
Six Months Coaching Package
Get comprehensive coaching and make lasting change.
Everything in the three month package, plus:
Improve self awareness
Experiment with approaches
Boost confidence & skill
Coaching Power Hour
Get clarity on your current situation and next steps.
Diagnose the problem
Explore your options
Confirm the solution
Coaching for Leaders
I work with mid to senior leaders who are navigating career or organisational change. I help them to develop and grow in a way that is sustainable and authentic so that they can get the best out of themselves and their team.
Your Coach
Kate Kennedy is an internationally certified coach who works with leaders and teams who are navigating career and organisational change. Kate’s commercial acumen and humanistic approach are proven to deliver real-world success that is sustainable and authentic.