The Case for Objectives & Key Results

I’m going to put it out there……Position Descriptions annoy me.  Especially those that are steeped in confusing, complicated, long corporate language that, once finished reading, leave you still wondering what on earth the role actually involves.  I think sometimes people worry that stating something plainly signifies less intelligence on the writer’s part.

a letter board on the desk with an inspirational message

Identify & break patterns of behaviour that are holding you back

A wee while back I had an experience where a mentor of mine shone a light on some behaviour that I was exhibiting that seemed be recurring.  I hadn’t realised my actions were repeating themselves but by stepping me through my behaviour pattern it was clear that a limiting belief was driving my actions.

Let me describe the situation for you……..

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group of people having a meeting

Applying critical thinking alongside leadership

I am knee deep at the moment working on some complex projects and there’s a lot of things to consider and outcomes to be achieved all within some ambitious timeframes.

What is tricky is that there are multiple factors that are all influencing each other which means that each time I start thinking about one issue it leads to three others.  Trying to solve one problem only uncovers more issues.

You’ve probably seen this before, when you’ve been in a meeting and a bunch of issues are being discussed without any clear-headed thinking so the conversation goes around in circles.  Eventually you might land on a solution but no one in the room is convinced it’s the right one.  What’s more you’re probably all just tired of the discussion and want to move on to something else or check your out-of-control inbox.

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