Entries by Kate Kennedy

The Case for Objectives & Key Results

I’m going to put it out there……Position Descriptions annoy me.  Especially those that are steeped in confusing, complicated, long corporate language that, once finished reading, leave you still wondering what on earth the role actually involves.  I think sometimes people worry that stating something plainly signifies less intelligence on the writer’s part.

The pursuit of balance

Obviously, I spend a huge amount of time talking with people.  Often that’s in coaching sessions but I also interview candidates for jobs, run workshops and collaborate with other coaches and leaders across a bunch of organisations and industries.  My conversations can tend to go deep, fast (who wants to talk about the weather, anyway?!?). […]

Is sales still a dirty word?

A big chunk of work I do is with salespeople and sales teams.  Often the team leader is frustrated because they know the results could be better and the salespeople feel like they’re doing their best with the tools they have and the environment they’re working in.  My role is to work with the individuals […]

Applying critical thinking alongside leadership

I am knee deep at the moment working on some complex projects and there’s a lot of things to consider and outcomes to be achieved all within some ambitious timeframes. What is tricky is that there are multiple factors that are all influencing each other which means that each time I start thinking about one […]

Focus on the truth

A while ago I was in a meeting with some associates and we were working on a tough problem that none of us had expertise or particular strength in.  I was feeling out of my depth and inadequate. The meeting went ok but I didn’t leave the meeting feeling like we had really nailed the […]

Sydney & its Harbour Bridge

This week I had scheduled a flying visit to Sydney.  Early flight in and late flight out, all in one day.  I enjoy flying somewhere unfamiliar on a weekday because I sort of get to be a fly on the wall of other people’s lives.  No one knows me, and I’m usually at the mercy […]

Losing the love connection

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit off kilter. We woke up, thrown from sleep into parenting life rather abruptly. Parents out there will know the feeling, when you’re lying in bed, listening to the dulcet tones of scrapping children and wondering how close they are to clawing each others eyes out. Eventually my husband decided […]

Challenges Schmallenges!

It’s fair to say the last two weeks have been colossal.  In many good ways. But jeez, have there been some challenges along the way! I have been working my tail off the past few months getting my new course Upsize My Happiness together (she’s a doozy but we’ll get into that another day).  But […]

That time the tennis ball taught me something

It’s funny this ‘type a’ personality thing. Everything becomes achievement orientated. Obviously work is but so is home. Most Saturday mornings, I’m writing lists of everything I want to achieve for the weekend. I ask my husband “what do you want to achieve this weekend, honey?” (his internal eye roll flashes, I’m sure). The washing […]