How to create an inspiring morning routine
I’m fascinated by other people’s morning routines and learning about what sets people up for a positive day…….after all we all know what it feels like when the morning doesn’t go to plan. It really can throw our whole day off.
I’ve invested some time over the last couple of years developing a morning routine that sets me up for the day, both in body and mind. I’m not naturally a morning person (my husband can attest to this!) so I really need to make an effort to create mornings that I can look forward to and that serve me well.
My Mornings
Walking my doggies is my first mission as it gets some blood flowing and just generally wakes me up. Once I am back home I’ll grab a kiss from hubby as he walks out the door to head to work and then settle in to my comfy green chair to meditate for around 20 minutes. At the end of my meditation, I’ll grab my gratitude journal and write three things that I am thankful for. If I’ve done these three key things, I feel ready to kick the day off and I can deal with the rest of life’s daily demands.
Other Ideas
There are loads of things you can do to create a morning routine that helps you shine. Exercise and mediation are obvious things. Journaling, in particular, gratitude journaling has been proven to help promote happiness and reduce depression. Listening to some uplifting music can even help set the tone for the rest of your day.
I don’t have breakfast until I get to work but a friend enjoys sitting down and having breakfast with her partner before her children get up. I love this idea!! Another good option is yoga or stretching to help connect to your mind to your body. Finally, another cool thing to do is send an email or text message to a friend or person you admire telling them what you love and appreciate about them. This is a play on the old ‘random act of kindness’ concept. You can find a huge range of morning routines here from loads of different people with from different backgrounds.
So, have a think about how you would like your mornings to play out to maximise your happiness. We all have demands, including children, work, partners but see what you can make work for you……you might be surprised how much more smoothly your day goes.